Welcome to JAG Floors. We specialise in quality commercial flooring throughout Australia and the South Pacific.
JAG Floors is a flooring company specialising in carpet, carpet tile, resilient floor finishes and timber. Our business started in Newcastle (NSW) in 1999. We are consistently involved in Government Contract and Private Sector projects. JAG Floors is available for consultancy, supply and installation, maintenance and repair work of floor coverings.
JAG Floors has an extensive team of professionals and deal with all the major manufacturers to enable us to cater to your specific needs.
JAG Floors deals directly with:
- Architects
- Builders
- Consultants
- Government
- End Users
- Aged Care Providers
- Hospitals
Other services we offer include:
- National Distribution of Waterhog Walk-Off Entry Tiles
- Supply of commercial & industrial indoor/outdoor matting
- Concrete treatment - we are the Authorised Regional Distributor and Applicator for AQURON® in the Hunter Valley and Central Coast areas.
JAG Floors ongoing success is achieved through consistently producing prompt service to our clients, completion of projects on schedule and high quality installations.

Recently completed projects of JAG Floors are listed below, also
click here to see photos of some of our projects.
- EnergyAustralia Stadium, Newcastle NSW
- Woolworths Cardiff, Newcastle NSW
- Maroba Nursing Home, Newcastle NSW
- Taree Hospital Emergency, Taree NSW
- Lingard Hospital Redevelopment, Newcastle NSW
- Sydney Town Hall, Sydney NSW
- The Glen Retirement Village, Nowra NSW
- The Kings School, Sydney NSW
Sunshine Coast University, Maroochydore QLD
Wynnum State School, Brisbane QLD
- Wheller Gardens Aged Care Facility, Brisbane QLD

Should you require any further information regarding JAG Floors please do not hesitate to
contact our office.